Meet Natalie
I have heard from the time I was small – I love your style! I love to mix new and old and create the perfect space for every situation. Between a reading nook in the morning sun, changing your master to summer bedding, or helping you design the perfect kitchen working triangle, I am here to help. Are you looking to move and need help de-cluttering for listing pictures? Are you moving to a new space and need help unpacking and organizing the space? Are you bored with your furniture layout and need a change? Being an Enneagram Type Three I can help you achieve the most beautiful space you can imagine! Let me help you lay out your new or existing furniture and have it ready for a fantastic reveal!
When I’m not helping clients, I love to cook, make jewelry, and volunteer. I am involved in several service organizations locally in Chattanooga, TN. I love getting together with friends for dinner and setting up for a great dinner party! My guilty pleasure is the spa and re-styling and organizing my house!
Check out our Instagram for some of my favorite room transformations on our Instagram page - @styledandorganizedsystems